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Friday, May 13, 2005

Paris Hilton, Laptops and Synchronized Swimming

On TV:
Paris Hilton's Most Shocking Moments (I can't tear myself away!)

Let me preface this blog entry by making the disclaimer that I AM NOT A PARIS HILTON FAN! She is like a car wreck that I can't stop starring at.

Wow, I haven't put any entries up in forever, I can only blame school, my work study job, side business and, ok, myself. Mea culpa! Anyhow, school is over now, I finished the semester
with style a few days ago. The synchro show went very well, I have some pictures here.
I also had a final poetry reading for my Advanced Poetry Workshop that went very well, my very first poetry reading! I guess that comes with the territory when you go to a Seven
. This summer I will be living in Somerville and working for the MFA, Department of Museum Learning and Public Programs, which I am very excited about.

In other news, my Compaq Presario 2100 laptop is dying on me again! According to Circuit City's Lemon policy, I'm hoping that they will replace it for me. Two lessons can be passed on from this experience: The Presario 2100 is a piece of crap, but the Circuit City extended warranty is excellent (this computer is two years old, they have fixed it twice and claim that they will replace it).

Also, I recently won the Harold Grinspoon Entrepreneurial Initiatives award for Shimmer Beads, which is allowing me to expand my business. Stay posted for new jewelry designs!

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