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Sunday, May 22, 2005

Harry Potter and the new Weezer Album

Countdown to Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince: 54 days
I've decided that I can't pretend anymore that I am not thinking about the next
Harry Potter book, so I've decided to just give in and begin my countdown! In case you haven't seen it yet, here is the cover:

So exciting! Moving on....

In other news, Circuit City is not replacing my laptop (I need to get better at reading the fine print), but they will fix it (for the fourth time) and they promise to keep fixing it every time it breaks (which will happen many more times, I'm sure) until 2007.

I've decided to start a new section of this blog called: THE WORLD ACCORDING TO RACHEL since I am always right and am not afraid to say it. ha.

here goes the first edition of


The new Weezer CD, Make Believe, is pretty good, I especially like the first track, Beverly Hills, which is very pop and very catchy. Lots of fun. Another song that I like alot is Perfect Situation which has some nice harmony and melody (this harmony is also in the song This is such a Pity) that you would never hear on early Weezer albums, such as The Blue Album or Pinkerton,
which are my favorites. One song that strikes me as being really strange is We Are All On Drugs. It almost seems like it should be the background music for an anti-drug commercial. The common theme on this album is how much Rivers Cuomo is a nerdy wimp. Rivers, we already knew that and we love you anyways, you don't need to sing about it in four songs.

PS- My brother Alex just showed this to me, and I think that I need to share it:
Seda' Club, a rap about the ten plagues with 50 Cent. Enjoy!


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