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Friday, January 27, 2006

Week three in Spain

So, I am just now completing week 3 of the Barcelona experience. So far, I am having a really good time. Last weekend I went to Montserrat, which is this mountain an hour outside the city that was created by volcanic activity, so it is really neat. It is also a really holy place for Catalonians because the Black Virgin was discovered there, this supposedly really old statue (modern day scientists have discovered that it is really not that old). However, no matter how legitimate a holy place Montserrat is, it is still really really beautiful. The picture on the right is me at the top of Montserrat looking tired from the climb (it was really steep!).
In other news, I have now been mistaken for a local many times, and twice now have I been able to give legimate answers to the questions. I am very proud.


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