Rachel Dines interactive design print


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Saturday, February 24, 2007

I'm Famous II


That's me, standing in front of Wilson House, holding a tiny model of Wilson House that I made on the 3D printer we have at Smith. You can see the plans for the model in my portfolio (scroll to the bottom). I made the model in Google Sketchup, which is a great program, its so easy to learn! I also entered in the Google Sketchup Build Your Campus in 3D Competition, which is going to be a lot of work (we have something like 80 buildings to model!).
Anyhow, think this is cool? Well, I am embarking on a 3D SCANNING project, where I will be making 3D scans of sculptures in the Smith College Museum of Art. I am just waiting for the scanner to arrive, it should be any day now!
More to come on this soon...


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