Rachel Dines interactive design print


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Saturday, June 25, 2005

Ok, ok, I haven't posted for a while, but I am still not online with either of my computers.
This is getting very frustrating and dangerous. I lost about half of my blog with all of this switching around between computers (and trying to mess around with
too much, I should have just stuck with Dreamweaver, but alas).

In other news, the Red Sox are now the leaders of the AL East! Eat your hearts out Yankees!

Speaking of Macromedia, let me vent for a moment about Adobe acquiring Macromedia. I know, I know, this is old news, but I am still agonizing over it. Of all the things that seem inherently wrong with this transaction (even though it should make things easier for us web design type peoples) I am mostly upset over the possibility of losing Macromedia's totally sweet student discounts. Adobe can be pretty stingy when giving dicounts to students.

Thats all for now, starting my first day at the MFA Studio Art Camp tomorrow, very exciting!

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