Rachel Dines interactive design print


shared items

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Inauguration Day Flow Chart

Did you get your unicorn yet? No? Are you sure? Did you check your P.O. box? No? Check it! He's hungry! No unicorn? Well, I'm sure it's in the mail.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Ingrid Michaelson remix by the Black Dice

If anyone has seen
Ingrid in concert recently, she talks about a remix of "Way That I Am" by the Black Dice that is AMAZING and she re-enacts the parts she can remember of the remix (which goes something like "If you were falling" "What would you do?" "I would catch you" "I'd catch you too" Anyhow, after the concert, I searched and searched for the song on the internets, and finally it was posted! Watch it here or on their MySpace page.

Also, speaking on Ingrid and one of my other fav lady singers, Sara Bareilles, if you haven't seen the animation that goes with winter song, watch it! I promise you will like it unless you hate love and animated Ingrids and Saras.

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