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Friday, December 28, 2007

Free Newspaper Metro Boston Loses All Credibility In My Book

Ok, I can admit it, I am an avid reader of the free newspaper Metro Boston. But today, I was shocked to open up the Entertainment section to see their champagne review. The first line of the article was "Step away from the $5 Andre." How could they tell people to step away from the Andre? Andre is the finest champagne produced on this earth, and it will be my drink of choice this New Years. It comes in such classic flavors such as Pink and Peach (as well as the boring ones, Brut, etc.). And why would you drink fancy champagne when you can drink sketchy champagne with a website that doesn't work?

I would threaten to boycott the Metro, but that would just be a lie, because I have no other entertainment on the T. Maybe I should send this in as a letter to the editor.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by a third party.

The hilarious video that I blogged about a few days ago got yanked, due to a copyright claim by a third party (see the text on the YouTube page). My first thought, google, facebook, myspace? Matt Hempey doesn't say in his blog, but I found out that a copyright claim by a photographer who's image was used in the video was lodged with YouTube who took down the video immediately.

Never fear, even though the video was yanked from almost everywhere, I found it still alive here.

I pulled a screenshot from the video that I love, because my cousins were blogging in the womb as well, and continue to write one of my favorite blogs.


Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Confessions of a future baseball wife

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Here comes another bubble: "Will you blog about this song?"

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