Rachel Dines interactive design print


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Monday, June 27, 2005

How Jaded Am I?

On TV:
Red Sox v. Indians, top of the second

How jaded am I?  Last Thursday I was handed a Quaker
Chewy Bar
(Peanut Butter Chocolate Chunk, my favorite) by a woman standing outside Porter Square T station, with a business card with the following written on it: "Yes...it really is free!  We hope this small gift brightens your day.  It's a simple was of saying that God loves you, no strings attached.  Let us know if we can be of more assistance."  On the back, there is the website and address for Hope Fellowship Church. I didn't eat the chewy bar, even though I was hungry and love chewy bars.  I still haven't eaten the chewy bar (it is now Monday).  I think this is because I don't trust anyone.  Or maybe I still hold fast to what my mother told me when I was little ("don't take candy from strangers").

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