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Wednesday, August 30, 2006

"I could have been happy... I could have been a Yankees fan"

That is a quote from the movie I saw last night, Game 6, which is NOT REALLY A SPORTS MOVIE. I say this so people won't be deterred from seeing this wonderful movie. Don DeLillo, author of White Noise (one of my favorite books) and Americana, wrote the screenplay, his first one. The movie is soooo classicly DeLillo, lots of long lists, surreal dialogue, references to poisonous gases and medication, everything you would expect in a DeLillo book, but now in movie form! This movie was about as indie as it gets, there was almost no press, no hype, it didn't play in any theaters that I know of and it took me a long time to find the trailer on the internet! Robert Downey Jr. was fabulously insane in the movie.

Anyhow, so about the quote. I feel like it sums up how I feel right now. Red Sox are breaking my heart again, in high style. And there is even talk of dealing David Wells! This is a sad state of affairs, that makes me understand the tragic existence of fans of teams like the Tampa Bay D-Rays.


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