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Saturday, August 20, 2005


WARNING! WARNING! This is a RED SOX themed blog entry!

I'm to start off by saying that I have been considering becoming a responsible blogger....like publishing an RSS feed or titling my posts (which I will now begin to do) or providing links
for archiving. Oh well, I've got a start at least.

First off, I've finally gotten myself a jar of that Big Papi Salsa I've been dying to try (FYI- I got it at Shaws). It should be fabulous! Although I was quick to notice that it is not the same salsa that he talks about in the Comcast commercial (which is mango salsa, this isn't). Speaking of Papi, I was so surprised to hear that he was thrown out of the game last night! Since we are at the LA Angels right now (they are still playing in Anaheim, right? I don't get it), the games don't start until 10, so I usually go to bed before they are over. I read about it today and thought his statement about it was really hilarious: "It's not like I was going crazy out there," said Ortiz. "Seriously, I'm leading the league in walks for a reason. I think I know what I'm doing out there. You never see me complain about a pitch that is a strike. I guess that follows me when I'm playing here.
"Dude, seriously, I've been getting bad calls all year long. But it's OK. You can get a bad call in one at-bat, maybe two at-bats. But in five at-bats? Get a bad call in all of them. I ain't taking that, bro. This is not a game you play just for fun. All I do is go to the plate and hit. I'm not out there playing defense. And I know the strike zone very well."

Also in Red Sox news, Bellhorn has been designated for assignment. I guess I saw this coming, with Graffanino hitting .315 (compare with Bellhorn's .216), but I am still a little sad. Bellhorn was so great in ast year's post season. Although, I must admit that I was one of those people who mercilessly mocked him when he struck out. Anyhow, this picture, accompanied by the caption "Mark is Trying to Work His Way Back." I have to admit that he has the hair of a Red Sox player.

Changing the subject, I randomly came across a blog entry about the really weird religious house a few doors down from me. I've been trying to find information about it for a while now.

As promised, I am reporting on the Ansel Adams show at the MFA. It is really really amazing! It opens tomorrow, so you should go see it if you are in the area. There are hundreds of pictures there, and a few with the same negative printed twice on two different kinds of paper, which was so cool to compare! Adams began printing on warm toned paper and had a hazy, slightly unfocused look to his photos. He soon realized that cool tone paper and sharp focus was the best way for him to go, and man oh man is that obvious when you look at two prints next to each other. There are also some of his prints on folding screens, which are very interesting and rare.


Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Ansel Adams at the MFA

OK, I can admit it now. I've been a delinquent blogger.
But that is only because I have been soooo busy! I've been working hard
at the museum to impart my wisdom (haha) to 6 -11 year olds, and at
working on the flash demo for ENERGYprism,
their new software. When it is done, I'll have a really nice addition
to my flash portfolio.

In local news, the Ansel Adams exhibit at the MFA opens on Monday. I am going to a staff preview of the show in about 20 minutes. I will tell you how the show is (although it couldn't be anything less than amazing). The Quilts of Gee's Bend is also closing on Monday, which is a really amazing quilt exhibit made by poor rural farmers--mostly the descendants of slaves. The quilts were made out of necessity to keep warm (obvious by the the materials that they are made out of--old clothes) but they come out so beautiful that they could have been abstract paintings beloved by Clement
(ok, this isn't an original idea, I got it from the Globe,
but I wholeheartedly agree). In personal news, it is exactly one month
until I turn 20. No more teenagerhood for me.

Anyhow, must go get ready to see Ansel Adams! I really
hope that they have my favorite photo of his (see below).


Thursday, August 04, 2005


Wow, long time since I have blogged. I've been working on a major overhaul of the
Shimmer Beads website. The html site is now done, I am now working on the Flash version.

I recently saw Cake in concert, which was amazing. John McCrea never ceases to amaze me. At a few points during the show he conducted the audience as we sang back-up for him. Cake concerts are never boring. If you don't know Cake, I reccommend you check them out immediately. They have songs that fall under almost every category (rock, pop, rap, polka, country).

By the way, I've added another section on the right. I'm running out of books too quickly and I need some suggestions. These are just books I've read in the last month or so.

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