Rachel Dines interactive design print


shared items

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Its my birthday and I'll cry if I want to...

Here's a story that recently riled me up:
Many Women at Elite Colleges Set Career Path to Motherhood
I can't say exactly why this bugs me so much...I think just hearing about so many women who are privileged to be receiving these amazing educations and then have no intention of doing anything for the world. I mean, I thought we were heading towards an era of great women leaders in politics, science, education, art, business etc. etc. I guess I just didn't realize that so many people have the single minded goal of being a housewife.

Also, HAPPY BIRTHDAY CATE! I wish I was 21 like you.

In other random news: I can't remember if I've shared this game with people before, but if I haven't, this is something everyone must see. It is Pac-Mondrian, oh yes. Two of my favorite things rolled up into one! In the game, you are pacman running around Broadway Boogie Woogie eating up the squares with jazz music playing in the background. Super fun time!

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