Rachel Dines interactive design print


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Monday, September 05, 2005

What, what!?! I've switched to Blogger.com!

Why did I do it? Well, I like
blogger.com and it is run by Google, one of my favorite companies. Also, they archive the posts for you and let users post comments, something I was too lazy to do on my own.

Here is a story I've been following: In the aftermath of Katrina, Boston University anounced that they would let Loyola, Xavier, Dillard and Tulane students enroll as Emergency Visiting Students. Craig's List Boston has been swamped with students desparately looking for housing near BU. However, they recently anounced that they cannot accept any more displaced students. What I want to know is where will all of these students go, and will they have to pay? The only school that I know for sure that is offering free classes to displaced students, is Smith (where I go to school), but there is no housing included. And you can only attend if you live in western Mass. I wonder if anyone will come.

In slightly happier news, I've found these gourgeous handbags online. I met the artist at ArtBeat in Davis Square, and I thought I'd share her work on my blog. So pretty, yeah?

Anyhow, I should get back to packing for school now, I leave Wednesday! eek!

Oh wait, one more thing: my friend sent me this story about Singing Toilets in Switzerland, and I thought it would be a good thing to share.

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